Emile Galle Furniture, France, marquetrie show case, decor Ombrelles

EMILE GALLE French Art Nouveau Showcase with carved Ombelles and Marquetry Cabinet, Nancy ca.1900, dite Aux Ombelles,

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Item No. 2938
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Emile Galle, Nancy Art Nouveau Mahogany Showcase Ombelles
Salon showcase
“Showcase dite Aux ombelles”
French Art Nouveau furniture
Design and Execution: EMILE GALLE [Nancy 1846 – 1904 ibid]
Nancy, France around 1900
various fruit trees and mahogany,
carved, marquetry, marquetry

Literature: Karl H. Bröhan – Dieter Högermann – Bröhan Museum (ed.): Art of the turn of the century and the 1920s. Collection Karl H. Bröhan, Berlin.
Arts & Crafts 1. Art Nouveau, Werkbund, Art Deco. Glass, wood, ceramics, Berlin 1976 (inventory catalogs of the Bröhan Museum, Bd.II

Literature: Rostás Péter: Mágnások lakberendezője. A Friedrich Otto Schmidt lakberendezőház története (1858-1918) .. Geopen Kiadó, Budapest, 2010
Literature: Alastair Duncan: The Paris Salons 1895-1914, Volume III. Furniture.
Literature: Alastair Duncan and Georges de Bartha: Gallé Furniture

Comparative items can be found in the Kallektion of the Musée de l’Ecole de Nancy: http://www.ecole-de-nancy.com/web/index.php?page=mobilier

See also Etagére “Ombelles” in the exhibition Broehan Museum Berlin: Exhibition
Germany against France. The battle for the style 1900-1930
Ecole de Nancy, Maurice Dufrene, Eduard Diot, Georges de Feure, Francois Carabin, Emile Gallé, Daum Nancy, Jaucques Gruber,
Gustave Serrurier-Bovy, Louis Gaillard, Paul Follot, Carlo Bugatti, Tony Selmersheim

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